Sunday 27 September 2009

35 & 36 weeks

35 Weeks (20th Sept)

Well i had my last day at work on monday (14th) and i have to say its fabulous! I am so pleased that i have finished. Its given me a completely new lease of life, its amazing what a difference it makes.

I had my 34 week mw appointment at 34+2, all was well, measurements - Fundal Height 36cm, BP 130/70, everything else was fine. They took some bloods to check my iron levels etc.

I thought i'd share some belly pictures, stretch marks and all, lol.

I had my first NCT class and it was so nice to meet one of the girls from my baby website - Helen at last! I'm looking forward to the rest of them too. There are 5 couples in our group, 3 of us ladies are all due on the same day. How weird is that?
This week i have started doing all the organising that i want to here and it feels good that things are starting to come together.

This week our little man weighs about 5.5lbs, his fingernails have reached the tips of his fingers. He is getting chubbier and his shoulders are plump at this point. He also begins to develop his own immune system.

36 Weeks

Only 4 more weeks to go!! Eeeek! I haven't done much this week, i've just kind of been pottering round the house, doing odd bits, watching baby programs. Sleep is becoming more and more difficult. Its a struggle to get comfortable. I've had a few afternoon naps when i've needed them, mainly because i've been wide awake at 6 or 7am and usually hungry at that time too. lol. I am tending to get tireder quicker now too, i think my little man is stealing more of my energy.

Most of the baby stuff is now all ready now. There's a few little things that i bought yesterday that i need to wash but everything else is washed and ironed and put away ready for him. We've got enough nappies, wipes, baby smellies etc for when he is born. I've got pretty much everything i'll need both for my hospital bag and a few bits for at home too. I've roughly packed both my hospital bag and a bag for our little man although i'm sure i'll probably repack them both, i know what i'm like.

This week our little man weighs about 6lbs. He is almost full term! So exciting!!

According to what i've read i should of written a birth plan for now but i haven't written anything. I don't have a specific plan, i know that i want a natural as possible birth and i don't particularly want to be given pethedine as i've heard some people have had hallucinations with it. Other than that, i just want to go with the flow really. Is that so wrong? I know people who have their heart set on a certain birth and then its all gone out the window so my logic is that if i don't do one, then i can't be disappointed right?

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